
Are you Carrying Patient Medical Information in Your Pocket? Given the advances with technology, the use of blockchain databases and the interoperability of various health data platforms, many electronic health record systems (EHRs) are now cloud-based. Cloud-based EHRs are medical record systems in which its end-user application and the data entered through the application is stored on an external server, usually hundreds or thousands of miles away from the facility. Throw a rock into California and you will probably hit one of these ginormous EHR datacenters. Cloud-based EHRs are accessible from a device with an internet connection.   EHRs that are not cloud-based are client-server based and require that the software be downloaded onto the local computer or onto the facility’s local server. The data entered into a client-server EHR is stored in house. That could be scary and very costly for a small physician office, small facility or hospital that can’t afford the upfront har...